Tuesday, June 19

No Time

I have been very busy-busy over the last one month. When you lose you driving license, and then find it, when you visit Dubai with Arun Shourie, and then make an exploratory trip to Mauritius, where you eat whiskey-laced lobsters and parasail above the Indian Ocean; you become a Student's Representative at the Amicale at Alliance Francaise de Delhi, you give your first Violin performance, then you visit Bombay for 10 days where you lean out of the rushing local trains and end up making excellent friends with Pakistanis, when you happen to meet Rashmi Malhotra while out shopping with a Pakistani girl, and also facilitate an Indo-Pak peace conference, only to be awarded (jokingly) the Best Dancer for wobbling your stomach, and then you return immediately to realize that you will be facing the St Stephen's interview board in 2 days- where will you have the time to blog???


Vintage Girl said...

haha wow
yeah i've been somewhat "busy" too but hey i still post!!!!! being busy is NO excuse not to post! :P

The Keeper of the Keys said...

point taken and appreciated...is rashmi malhotra sum1 we shud know of?

Pooja said...

interesting few days...

Vintage Girl said...

u shud update!!

Ghazal said...

Its been too long now..time to write a new post...