Friday, June 1

Another Separation from the Past

I had my last Nirula's free Hot Butterscotch Sundae, the one they dole out to "kids" getting above 90% aggregate or an overall grade of A+. This was my first in the last 3 years- I had always been eligible for it; it's just that I had been either too busy or too occupied to go and get it.

I had feared that they'll stamp my Class 12 report card with their NIRULA'S SCHOLAR seal, and so I had taken only a colored photocopy. The cashier was pretty surprised to see a report card so small in size; yeh kya hai, he asked. "Class 12 Boards....95%," I informed him. He was very impressed, shaking my hand and revering the colored photocopy. Maybe he really thought that it was the original because he didn't stamp it. He eventually did- that too only on the reverse side- but only after I had expressly asked him to. I like that seal. ;)

He gave me a form in which I was supposed to write my address and my school's address. I know what they'll do now- they will send a letter to Mrs. Chona: "Master Karan Nagpal, who told us that he was a student at your school, availed of the opportunity of a free sundae at our vasant Vihar branch. Congratulations! By the way, please reimburse the enclosed bill by next friday."

They will also call my home next february: "Last year, you scored more than 90% in class twelve Best of luck for your exams in class Thirteenth."

The manager at the ice-cream counter was kind enough to tell me, "Twelfth? Twelfth ke bachon ke liye yeh to hai hee nahin. This is only for kids."

"I am also a kid, " was all I could master. He conferenced with 2 of his colleagues, who must have warned him that turning away a sundae-hungry soul like that would only make the soul haunt his toilets for ever. Seeing the writing on the wall, the poor guy gave up and asked one of his men to make one for me. And that was how I got my last ever free sundae. On the last date. During the last hour. So in case you missed it, despite having the 90%, I feel sorry. Maybe you will have a better luck next time. Bonne chance!


Vintage Girl said...

haha aww i remember that....tho i never went to claim a free sundae either....i thought it was too cheap to do that :P

The Keeper of the Keys said...

hehe, i once availed the appu ghar discount (91 % for 91%ers)...kinda regretted it..

Kriti said...

awww...i wsnt eligible for da sundae dis i miss the free hot choc fudges :(

Pooja said...

free sundaes...i d forgotten bout em and the pleasure they brought along...i miss skool